Friday, May 29, 2015



Based on the thought of Albert Einstein, who in his time mentioned that the major projects and the Big Ideas for the benefit of all mankind emerge in major crises, and today we live the economic crisis, Fiscal, Social and Environmental, live today also the Crisis intolerances Racial, Religious and Immigration.

Einstein also mentioned that imagination is more important than knowledge, because it does not have limits, and not as coincidence, but the Principle of Synchronicity we are in the International Year of Light, and our project Interdependence to Education for Sustainability, do this challenge and convocation to all mankind.


We live in the Age of Knowledge and Information Technology all giants like Google, Intel, Cisco Systems, Samsung, IBM, and Mobility Mobile and Vodafone, Tim and Verizon, are investing heavily in the Internet of Things, which today is valued at 655 billion US, however experts believe that in 2018 it will be worth US 1.7 trillion, because the internet of things will revolutionize and connect household devices that will help a lot the homes and businesses in it are connected as quality of life and innovation.

Experts, potential investors such as Silicon Valley believe in a giant market for those companies that invest now and will be valued in the short term for the benefit that will provide its users and also investors in the global stock market.

For this we are proposing the giants of Technology and Mobile Mobility, iPhones, smartphones, iPads, tablets, E-Books, Kindle, the inclusion of our interdependence design Sustainability is included as part of the Internet of Things, as all products and services used in Mobile Technology and Mobility, use water, energy and natural resources for the manufacture of products used in the system.

For this we are willing to discuss and add our project with the Giants Technology and Mobile Mobility, which may include in its balance sheet as intangible assets of Sustainability and the appreciation of their actions with the billions of investors.

Only by way of information the benefits offered by the Environment to 7 billion people and large companies, such as water, energy, oxygen, raw materials and natural resources worth approximately US 180 trillion a year, however we have no answer value that humans and the return companies as compensation nature and life on Planet Earth. It is in the Age of Knowledge, Information and Interdependence for Sustainability, the tools to put into practice on the Internet of Things.

The benefits of our project will be applied in Peace Education, Health, Sports, Technology and Sustainability and all cities, schools, universities and World Communities, the training, qualification of teachers and protagonists of the great change that the world expects in favor of Planet Earth.


Using on the research that the 7 billion human beings live in only 1% of the space that provides the soil for their habitat it is that we are starting a campaign by the Global Interdependence actions in favor of Planet Earth.

For this we will use the tools Education for Sustainability and the Age of Knowledge and Information, Media and Social Networks, as regards the changes that the world needs so we can use the global interdependence of actions in favor of a planetary sustainability and mobilize all cities in the world, to transform them more Polite, Human, Livable, Sustainable and Innovative.

We researched a lot on the internet and participate in the commission of several conferences on Smart Cities, with a lot of press especially in our capital, Curitiba. Pr this month which was discussed in a large forum, to think smarter cities, and the search for solutions to major problems such as urban mobility, access to public services and the participation of large technology companies in the events in partnership with the federal government , state and municipal, which today undergo enormous economic, social and fiscal difficulties, major proposals were for the services presented at the conference, they are put in place and implemented for the benefit of the population.

Two leading experts and researchers of Smart Cities are Eindhoven University of Technology them, Tom Dassem and Maarten Hajer, who launched his book Smart About Cities in Portuguese, intelligence about cities, they cite the Smart City does not guarantee social advancement, but a very large market and marketing for large technology companies to sell their products and mobile solutions and new technologies to governments. They cite concrete examples the real smart cities that are: Songdo, South Korea, Masdar in the United Arab Emirates, and Chengdu in China, because it used all the resources from the beginning to become Intelligent and Innovative in partnership with major companies technology and governments and their communities as schools and universities that are the major beneficiaries of these innovations.

They cite that the big problems today with the implementation of technologies and the concept of smart cities are in great economic and social inequalities which are the richest with Bonuses and access to all private services and the poor living in the suburbs are with the Burden the exclusions as those of public policy services that do not reach everyone, especially education, healthcare, sanitation and others, thus a wealth of the few rich island, bathed in a sea of ​​poverty for millions of poor.

The World Bank estimates it will take $ 30 to $ 50 trillion in investments of large corporations over the next 20 and 30 years to reform and rebuild cities and are not surprised that the magic bullets that the idea of ​​smart cities offers, are attractive mainly by technology companies to sell their solutions.

For this we are proposing a major campaign of global interdependence action actions since the 7 billion humans absorb 75% of the energy produced in the world and that the cities produce 80% of greenhouse gas that also produce vehicular pollution arising CO2 billions of vehicles worldwide and thus raise levels of Global Warming and Climate Change provoke worldwide, as now in India where more than 1,500 people in the state of Uttar Pradesh and the capital New Delhi, the mercury shot up 50 degrees Celsius temperature, something must be done to combat global warming, which affects all Countries in the world with the loss of millions of lives and billions of dollars of material damage, and the chain of food production by shortages water, how we are living in Brazil the great drought Hydro in the states of Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, where more than 50 million people live with water scarcity and what is worse also with a dengue epidemic where from January to April this year more than 750,000 people were bites by the Aedes Egypt, the rulers can not avoid this enormous tragedy, where even the army was summoned to join the war against the mosquito, which is still winning the war. Presented to the governments of three states the formula of Education for Sustainability, however nothing received in response, billions in public funds have been spent in the treatment of dengue that through education and changing people's habits could be avoided.

A great help to our cause which is the Education Project for Peace, Health, Sports, Technology, Innovation and Sustainability for us to put into practice along with cities, schools, communities and universities around the world that we will also seek help the great world leaders that can help a lot in practical actions using the power of media, global interdependence, among them quote the Young Micah White co-creator of the movement Occupy Wall Street the USA, that traveling to Brazil gave a great interview with O Estado de Sao Paulo, about the movements around the world by the Arab Spring started in Tunisia and Egypt, the Movement Puerta Del Sol Spain, Motion Fork in Italy, Drag Movement in Portugal, where they all showed the revolution and protests against governments, however were only in the Revolution, according to the great journalist Thomas Friedman of the NYTimes, they would need even was come in another phase would be the evolution, which did not happen.

But we can take great and profound reflections of the movements and the interview of the Young Micah White, the only American to participate in the formation of Occupy Wall Street, which cites in his book that was a constructive failure and now runs his company Activist Boutique Consultancy, which guides the movements that take the streets crowds no longer enough, we need original proposals, ideas that seduce people and are able to keep mobilized for a long time. Finally cites that activism should be bold and the best idea is one that leaves us with fear, like that of our interdependence Actions project for a Planetary Sustainability, we will rely on the great activist Micah White in our long journey, either as a consultant or as a member of the large project.

Not as a coincidence, but by the principle of synchronicity, we can say that our global interdependence of stocks, can be put into practice immediately, mainly for the City of Barcelona, ​​as its Mayor Ada Colau member of the movement of the Indignities, Puerta de Sol, was elected Mayor of Barcelona, ​​we can begin our great project for its big city and then to the rest of the world.

Many good news ran the world precisely in the year that the UN, for its Climate conference in Paris in December to COP21,  where all leaders will meet to discuss and seek solutions to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases is today also one of the causes of Climate Change and Global Warming, which has produced more than 200 million climate refugees and billions of dollars in losses in all Countries.

For this reason we left is to put in our challenge great news from The Wall Street Journal on May 26, where a big story they cite for the first time in history Petroleum and Mining surrender and come to help fight on weather.

This news involving Big Oil and Mining everyone as Shell, Exxon Mobil, Total, Saudi Aramco, Eni SPA, BGPLC, and others around the world, where along with the miners will form an association to have a voice in the climate debate, this is important because it never occurred to this concern with the Climate, quotes the Head of Climate Division of the World Bank, Mrs. Rachel Kyte.

The great merit of that provision also to seek solutions to the climate, was the inclusion in the debate in Paris with the Big Oil companies and miners, who will join the major manufacturers of cars, trucks, heavy machinery, shipbuilding industry, aviation and that accepted the challenge of Pope Francisco to participate and contribute what is required, it also prepares an encyclical dedicated to the preservation of nature and life on Planet Earth.

The Pope Francis has Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana, at the head office in the Vatican, responsible for drafting the Green encyclical that can mobilize, Wake, acted and benefit 7 billion people in favor of Actions for Education, Conservation and Regeneration the degraded and battered planet Earth today.

For our part we will also make a special invitation to US President Barack Obama, who will be in Paris at the UN, COP21, and in 2016 will end his term as President, and for this we will use the dream of Martin Luther King, using his legacy of the "I Have a Dream", to reach the minds and hearts of all those who for Education, Innovation, New technologies can contribute to a better world for this and future generations.

For the first time in the history of the UN Climate Conferences, like that of Paris,   we will not use more protests and clashes with the police, but the interdependence of shares to Planet Earth, will be invited the Presidents of the world's 500 largest companies, Governors, Universities, Schools, Communities, Urban Planners, Architects, Designers, Engineers, Ecologists, Biologists, all united by a single cause and together with our consultant Micah White, and our project will become a great script the hands of the Great Director James Cameron, who inHe said can work together, then it is time to act and work together for Sustainability and the Earth.

Message receive to James Cameron.

Dear Mr. Naisser.
Thank you for the kind words about me in your article below. I have accepted the challenge to try to raise consciousness around the world about this great crisis which is upon us. Most people are not listening, but we must raise our voices. I am still trying to decide the best ways for me to be effective in this fight (aside from making more Avatar movies, which I am now starting to do).

Perhaps we will find a way to work together. 

Jim Cameron. 

“A Bedouin will not win the immensity of the desert breaks only if we follow in caravans arrive safely at our destination to fulfill the wishes and designs of the Creator”.

Register on our Official Network of Twitter, its virtual presence and contribution on behalf of Nature and Life Earth Planet. 







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