MESSAGE TO THE CHALLENGE AND GREAT FILM DIRECTORS, and business and opinion leaders, capable of assisting us in the grand design 'awareness raising'.
Edgar Morin, Pierre Levy, Tim Berners-Lee, Manuel Castells, Fritjoff Capra, Deepak Chopra, Steve Jobs, Steven Johnson, Clay Sirk, Silvio Meira, Parag Khanna, Jaime Lerner, Bill Gattes, Warren Buffet, Silvio Farina, Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela, Al Gore, Richard Branson, Lord Nicholas Stern, Martin Hees, Bono, Giorgio Armani, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Prince Charles, Mark Zukeberguer, Ana Lindh , Arnold Schwarzenegger, Albert II of Monaco, Chris Anderson, Samantha Power, Jeffrey Sacks, Amartya Seen. Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy, Bruno Giussani.
Starting from the Albert Einstein thought that the Imagination is more important than knowledge, and the Great Ideas and Great Projects emerge and appear also to solve the major crises world, it has every reason, because we now live in the world and the Age Uncertainty live Crises Economic, Social, Global Warming, Climate Change, Fiscal Crises, Urban Violence, Hunger, Poverty, Racial Intolerance, Religious and immigration, without mentioning that today 45,000 children die every day worldwide, with 80% in Africa the lack of drinking water and food, and that the world produces 4 billion, Qatar million tons of household garbage, and only 3% are recycled, placed inappropriately produce methane gas that increases by 25 times the pollution. We have spent 125% Natural Resources of the Planet Earth, and it also live together with the lack of Political Will to solve problems, compared to only shortage of water worldwide.
How to solve this, the rulers say what should be done, talk about guidelines, indicators and diagnostics that never happen and do not perform, we can say for our project and how it should be done because, with practical and immediate actions by for this reason that our project is "The Awakening Conscience," will appeal to the great director of movies, because we will reach the minds and hearts of all who can help us in this great project for the first time in human history, we can change the course of history, the Seventh Art, and the school books in all Countries of the World. As we live the Age of Information and Knowledge will help all publishers in the world that our book will be marketed in all schools, universities, civil society organizations, and it will revitalize the trade of books that now has great difficulty with the closure of 5,000 libraries in rich countries, they will back their consumers whose books should be in all schools, universities in the world with the project "The Awakening of Consciousness", where the 6.8 billion human beings will be educated toPeace, Health, Technology and Sustainability.
For this we turn to the great film director, who live in their careers moments of great creativity and courage for the production of his films, also live in the enormous difficulties with the competition whose intellectual property piracy and copyright only reach 13% for Studios and Producers, and now they have the great directors can do much in the production of a great movie that will be marketed worldwide and now we can report that we have 2.5 billion people including children, youths and adults with purchasing power to your purchase and thus help the Hollywood studios that also will join for the Production of the great documentary, which will give the world a whole new direction for human civilization.
Our Intellectual Property and Copyright is now worth U.S. $, U.S. $ 1 trillion dollars, an amount that will be placed as a livelihood activities for the 500 companies on the stock markets around the world who have a true commitment to sustainability, where the royalties will be invested in schools and universities around the world in Peace Education, Health, Technology and Sustainability ..
We also have great artists, scientists, teachers, businessmen, environmentalists, opinion leaders, leaders who will receive the project to be put into practice immediately. Social networking, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, Newspapers, Magazines, TVs will be crucial for us to show the world the way for a Balanced and Planetary Sustainability.
In the great movie, whose script will be discussed with the Directors will consider the creation of jobs, mainly in the Knowledge Era, where billions of young people will be trained and qualified in the areas of our project, especially the youth of Tahrir Square in Cairo Puerta del Sol square in Madrid, Plaza de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain, Portugal Generation Youth, Members of the Place de la Bastille in France and Greece in Syntagma, everyone will join us and have their jobs in the Age of Knowledge and Information, will be that the great legacy that we leave so we can all live in harmony and balance on Earth, where nature calls for help and few hear his request, but the actions are then felt the pain of tsunamis, hurricanes like Katrina, Volcanic eruptions that would paralyze air traffic throughout Europe, as the volcano in Iceland, and the Puyehue Volcano in Chile, which have volcanic ash around the world causing billions of damage to tourism in tourist regions such as Bariloche in Argentina and Valle Nevado and Portilho in Chile, eruptions of these volcanoes around the world has to do with global warming, earthquakes, tsunamis around the world we see today in real time over the Internet.
This is a great proposal of Great Design "The Awakening of Consciousness", where for the first time in human historians, we will call to all 6.8 billion human beings to put into practice the project. Only then can we remain in balance with nature and life, all are indispensable in this long journey, where the Earth is no longer the object but the subject of a whole Balance and Planetary Sustainability.
See also why we should join hands for the major newspapers and join to us, now is the time of the Awakening of Consciousness.
Film Directors, Entrepreneurs from around the world, producers will receive this message also reached their minds and hearts of all who truly want a better world, because nature and life belong also to those who come.
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