Monday, February 20, 2017



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Although we are living in the Age of Knowledge and Information, we also live the Age of Uncertainties, Racial, Religious and Immigration Intolerances, especially President Donald Trump, who a month ago in the position, lives a particular war with the American Press, we live Also in function of its decisions of the President's Decrees, Immigration Intolerances and Protectionism, which leads us to deep reflections on the Geopolitics, Globalization of Economies, Jobs and Services in all the countries of the world, which until now have failed to understand The decisions of President Donald Trump, who in place of Bridges, insists on building visible Walls as in Mexico, and invisible walls of exclusion where the nation then thrives most on Earth now insists on reducing its financial and humanitarian aid, mainly In poor countries such as Africa and Asia, who suffer from wars and an army of two million refugees, mainly from Syria and Africa, throw themselves into the sea only with their body clothes and seek help mainly on the European continent, which also suffer With unemployment for its inhabitants.

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, founded by Klaus Schwab, was discussed in January this year, with more than 3,000 personalities, rulers, bankers and the presidents of the 600 largest companies in the world with the theme of a new agenda of efforts development Combined to spread opportunities such as the generation of jobs and income, safety and quality of life of those who suffer the most in the Age of Uncertainties.

It is difficult to understand, but it was at the Economic Forum in Davos itself that it was publicized by the renowned NGO, Oxfam International, which represents a number of non-governmental organizations, which the world's eight richest men listed by Forbes magazine have their assets equal to 3,6 billion people worldwide, unfortunately in Brazil we also have this huge difference between rich and poor, since the six richest men in Brazil and listed in Forbes, hold the equity equivalent to half the population of our country that are 100 million of people.

The notorious Financial Times of London published on Feb. 7 a large report in which the Megarics, especially Americans, who in Fear of a popular uprising due to high inequality and the Trump effect, seek refuge in New Zealand against a supposed collapse Capitalist, where billionaires increase the search for properties in central Otago in central New Zealand, with its own source of energy, water and the ability to grow food.

An article also published in the renowned New Yorker magazine has identified New Zealand as the preferred destination of the rich who want to survive if the growth of inequality provokes a popular uprising, cites the magazine that 92 billion American citizens already own citizenship and property in the Country, Among them the Great director James Cameron and futurist Peter Thiel, co-founder of Paypal.


While governments are unable to act because of lack of political will or lack of resources for investments mainly in basic sanitation in cities in Latin America and Asia, most have abandoned their climate agenda, and have already produced more than 200 million Climate around the world, and also around diseases that were considered extinct, they came back as yellow fever, and the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, which produces diseases like dengue, zica-virus and chikungunya that has already killed millions of people throughout history.

Once again the World Meteorological Organization warned the Governors that the month of July 2016 was the warmest year in the history of mankind, since the beginning of the measurements in 1880, little or nothing has been done since they claim not to Have the resources to fight Global Warming, as their creator Dr Al Gore, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and Climate Change, as Lord Nicholas Stern, World Bank Stern Report, Father of the Fight Against Climate Change, urged. Were invested 1% in the prevention of Extreme Events of Nature, would be saved 25% by the Companies and Rulers, regarding the great tragedies like this last and terrible earthquake in Italy that devastated several cities like Amatrice, regrettably the request does not Has been met, and losses reach $ 1.3 billion with 290 people who lost their lives.

The renowned English newspaper, Financial Times, a close friend of Sustainability, released a news item at the beginning of September 2016, where the World Bank released the "Cost of Welfare for the Populations" for the first time, valued at $ 5 , 1 trillion to Global Economic to combat chronic air pollution, where 5.5 million lives were lost in 2013 due to diseases such as Lung Cancer, Bronchitis and Heart Disease, mainly in the East Asian Countries and Emerging Countries.

While the rulers do not understand each other, to further worsen the US President, Donald Trump has nominated Director of the EPA Environmental Agency, the lawyer and skeptic of global warming Mr. Scott Pruitt, who has sued the environmental agency more than 14 times in the government of President Barack Obama, defending oil companies and coal miners, regrettably President Donald Trump cites that the Chinese are to blame for all environmental tragedy because of their economy that does not stop growing, according to he still take away the jobs of Americans , President Trump does not yet know the millions of jobs to be created in the USA, will be in the Age of Knowledge and Information, which will then be exported to the world mainly in relation to research for the cure of diseases such as cancer, Diabetes, respiratory diseases, where research will be developed at American Universities, now counting on the help of artificial intelligence, where Americans are advanced.

To that end, we are inviting the great Director James Cameron, the billionaires around the world to help us to take a new turn in the history of mankind, in relation to the fight against Global Warming and Climate Change, using our project "The Awakening of Consciousness "using the legacy of the Great Statesman and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Nelson Mandela, who once said that the greatest weapon we have to save the world is education.

It will be through Education for Peace, Health, Sports, Technology and Sustainability that we will make cities around the world more Educated, Livable, Innovative, Intelligent and Sustainable.

For this we will count on all those who truly want a better world for this and future generations and our biodiversity.

We can no longer be spectators but the protagonists of the great change that Planet Earth asks of us in exchange for help, it provides us with air, water, food, intelligence to all seven billion humans and passengers of Earth Spaceship.

I am sending the challenge to the great Director James Cameron who will make of our project a great documentary and will also be invited the World Press, Social Networks, Millionaires, Millionaires, Artists, Celebrities, Schools, Universities, Tribes Maoris, Tribes Aborigines, Indigenous Tribes, Ecologists, Urbanists, Architects, Biologists, Engineers, Doctors, Ethical Rulers, City Managers and Large Companies that use water, energy and raw materials to produce their products, because the Rich and the Billionaires will no longer be able to live on a Wealth Island, For a Sea of ​​Poverty.

Message receive to James Cameron.
Dear Mr. Naisser,

Thank you for the kind words about me in your article below. I have accepted the challenge to try to raise consciousness around the world about this great crisis which is upon us. Most people are not listening, but we must raise our voices. I am still trying to decide the best ways for me to be effective in this fight (aside from making more Avatar movies, which I am now starting to do).
Perhaps we will find a way to work together. 
Jim Cameron.

The news ran the world this month, where hunger threatens two million children in African countries such as Nigeria, South Sudan, Somalia and Iemem, His Holiness Pope Francisco of the Vatican's windows asks the world to help them, UNICEF calls for Governments use the political will for international aid, but few actions have been taken on behalf of children.

Our proposal, in this difficult time that crosses all humanity, these defenseless children in African countries and also millions of them who have left Syria for humanitarian camps in Jordan and Turkey, ask for help, and this help will come exclusively from our great project, "The Awakening of Consciousness" where we will summon all the Bands, Artists, Celebrities from all over the world, to help us with their talents, their voices and their solidarity, because we will unify what was done in "We Are The World", organized by Michael Jackson and Lionel Ritche, Producer Mr.Quincy Jones, And "Live Aid", by the great singer, pop star and humanist Bob Geldof, we will use his legacies, and his children like Michael Jackson's, to join us in the great cause, where the big show acts, we will use all The Arenas in the World, especially those that were stages of World Cups and Olympics Games.

Albert Einstein said one day in his time that the great projects and great solutions appear in the great crises that mankind lives. He also mentioned that Imagination is stronger than Knowledge, because Imagination has no limits, we can now use it in the Age of Knowledge and Information and Virtual Mobility.

“A Bedouin will not win the immensity of the desert breaks only if we follow in caravans arrive safely at our destination to fulfill the wishes and designs of the Creator”.

Register on our Official Network of Twitter, its virtual presence and contribution, join us now, on behalf of Nature and Life Earth Planet. 






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