Friday, June 04, 2010




Once again we post a message looking for people who can help us in the long journey where we can share our "Awakening of Awareness " project with the World. Nine months have passed, a new life gestational period. English translations on " Save the Earth Planet" or " Yes, we can now" have been forwarded to CWBTV (Curitiba, Parana State, BR) though we did not get the desired access via YouTube. But as put by Dr Deepack Chopra we are meant to reach future generations with a better world. We are no longer scared of the so called difficult moments of Humankind, when people get together trough Pain, Tragedy, Earthquakes, Urban Violence, Endless Wars, Bomb human beings -- in the very beginning of 2010 , first year of the second decade of XXI century. In Haiti till today people mourn thousands of destroyed lives and lives that have been torn apart by the Climate changes. The Chilean tsunami is responsible for billions in losses. In Mexico the 7.6 earthquake replicated the mentioned problems and the Climate refugees had their material and psychological damages exposed around the world.
It is indeed an era of uncertainties to what concerns global heating and climate changes, difficult times for Humankind but the ones who govern our political and social lives little have shown to demonstrate that they are fully aware of these tragedies, that being the Andes, the Pyrenees, the Kilimanjaro, the North and South Poles defrosting. In February 2010 a giant iceberg-- 2.500 sq. km -- detached from Mertz in the Antarctic. It contributed to increase ocean levels and brought panic to the ones who live at sea level. In the Siberian Sea, global heating liberated 8 million tons of methane hydrate - 21 times worse than carbon monoxide being liberated in the atmosphere. We have heard of no world leader trying their efforts to reverse the causes and consequences of these tragedies which can easily dissipate life on earth. - as it happened with Mayan civilization who did nothing to preserve natural resources, water scarcity included -- according to recent archaeological studies.
Decision makers in large cities – urbanism engineers, architects, city managers - tend to believe the future of our planet lies in these large cities, last refuge of human solidarity. In Curitiba, the global Innovating Cities Conference last March, pointed to Positive Actions toward Quality of Life prescribing Education and Sustainability to be implemented in every city -- preparing them to be Humankind refuge.
Counter attack difficulties are posed by Sociologists, Architects, Geographers, Biologists in relation to Urban Violence or wars in Iraq or Afghanistan where thousands of lives cease on a daily routine. Famine, misery, religious intolerances -- let us point to the Catholic Church experiencing its Astral hell due to pedophile problems around the world -- Racial and immigration intolerances
The presidents of North America and Russia have signed a treaty to reduce nuclear power but they know and, we also know, the worse army of enemies are in one man or one single woman who carries a deadly bomb to explode amidst large public concentrations, like in the Russian subway where two Tchechenian youngsters caused the death of so many innocent people. The same happens in Iraq and Afghanistan which tragedies are shown on real time by TV and Internet. The question remains whether there is a will to solve the problemas that affect humankind as a whole, the question of Human Rights, the perpetuation in power by sanguinary politicians , the scarcity of drinking water when few seem to be aware that water is the real source of life but it ends up as reason for war engagements. Let ´s remember that 40.000 children die, on a daily basis, around the world -- in Africa specially -- either because they are malnourished or lack water for basic needs. World leaders are too busy dealing with their fiscal, economical or unemployment crisis to face their attention toward 80 million climate refugees around the world.
Dr Al Gore has released alert toward Global heating, following Lor Nicholas Stern on the Stern Report on Climate Changes, who in 2006 requested a 2% Global Fund toward Climate Change impacts. This plead has deserved no attention however 25% are spent on natural disasters, due to lack of action. Edward Osborne Wilson a well known American biologist has stated we shall need 4 other planets similar to Earth in order to cope with unsustainable, non renewable resources. Martin Rees a cosmologist who presides over The Royal Society of London has also put that the worse of our plagues are not earthquakes, hurricanes and the like, but the lack of political motivation to help solve world problems like Global heating and Climate Changes - as proved true in Copenhagen. Also James Hansem, the American climatologist says we are not caring for Climate in the world and we shall be paying for it as carbon emission levels raise. The planet could stand 450 ppm but we are already near 387 ppm -- considering that three more Celsius grades can stop seed germination which in turn can substantially affect almost 180 countries, due to Global Heating and Climate Changes as methane hydrate liberated in the Arctic, plus ocean levels raise, can be 21 times higher than carbon monoxide which implies millions of people shall remain isolated in their countries -- considering 75% of humankind live in the costal area.
Where will solutions come from? If IPCC panel made human beings responsible for Global Heating and Climate Changes , they are clearly the ones to solve the problem. Men like Dr Al Gore, Lord Nicholas Stern or the movie star Leonardo Di Caprio who directed " the 11th hour" documentary on the subject have resorted to 60 global decision making personalities ( scientists, political, social and religious leaders, Indian tribe representatives) but without the expected impact. James Hansen the climatologist, also an activist, managed to stop the construction of an oil duct between CA x USA where billions of tons of coal powder would be pumped from Alaska to the rest of the USA. We hereby resort to Prince Albert II of Monaco who in 2006 spent 30 days in the Arctic region where he witnessed the North Pole ice melting. He helped spread the bad news to the world, claiming for support. We are managing a direct contact with this Ecologist monarch, uniting the “The awakening of Awareness" project toward a World Forum to Save the Planet. We claim for Humankind help to spread about our project “The awakening of Awareness”, when 6.8 billion people can be educated toward Peace, Health, Technology and Sustainability. We reckon 2.5 billion people above poverty line can help spread this knowledge - here included transnational enterprises which can transfer some of their royalties -- to be deposited either in the USA, EU or Asia -- that could mount to one trillion dollars meant to be assigned to to the UN 202 countries whose representatives would place their efforts to fight Urban Violence and conquer world knowledge re- union .
As to Urban -- here included electro/electronic -- trash which are presently deposited in damp sites and in turn have heavy metal components contaminating underground water, could generate billions of jobs mainly if we can count on the cooperation between manufacturers and consumers. An ecological stamp would be used through the help of children and their schools, oriented to preserve Nature and Life, accounting to preserve water sources and thus revitalize the seeding of billion of trees. Global heating would be substantially diminished and moreover we would have great urban disasters come to an end , because flooding and land sliding like the ones that occurred in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo and left thousands homeless or dead would no longer have a cause to happen.
2.5 billion conscious consumers -- children, young and adults alike -- could help to put a stop on pirating activities which knock down 80% of copyrighted material ( mainly CDs and DVDs) reason enough for the artistical community to join at least one of the most well known 500 global brands. That simple mechanism can generate the necessary resources to re- plant trees around the world and thus contributing toward Education for Peace, Health, Technology and Sustainability. - positive actions that could contribute to stop ice melting in the Arctic region, minimize effect og great natural disasters.
Help us find and unite the great benefactors able to help save the Planet and Humankind. All welcome on board: Scientists, Climatologists, Entrepreneurs, School Principals and their led students, Singers, Theater and movie stars, NGOs, Indian tribes, Aboriginal people, large saize Sports companies, Billionaires, Royalties and the Unite Nations so far absent from this Global Call when it could aggregate the UN representatives toward the cause - as we all, they all, need the water and air resources, a legacy for future generations.
The multiplying factor works on our behalf as this is the media Era of Knowledge and Information -- TV, Internet, written and oral Media, Social Relation sites, Wikipedia, Blogs, Emails--ready to eliminate visible and invisible walls into our hearts and minds. We CAN build up the bridge between To Have x To Be, Ignorance and Knowledge, Violence and Peace, Destruction and revitalization -- placing man as the subject not the object , living to conquer balance between nature and Living, once taught toward Peace, Health, Technology and Sustainability.
We have successfully approached the well known movie director James Cameron who was in Brazil -- in Manaus, AM -- for a talk on Sustainability. Leaving movies fiction behind he agreed on joining us to avoid the construction of a dam in the Xingu River -- a project meant to be idle during 4 months of the year, which would affect the surrounding biodiversity environment and tenths of Indian tribes who would have the forest land lost to progress. The Amazon rain forest region is referred to as the lungs of the world and we know so well how the disturbance of hydro resources and consequent rain incidence can damage a fragile but important system. Thanks to the principle of synchronicity the mentioned director arrived later on in Sao Paulo looking for a dialogue with our Government toward the AM Xingu River dam problem.

A number of hypothesis have surfaced such as the Artificial Refrigeration Project which accounts for the creation of the Space Sun Umbrella, the Earth Whitening , the Clouds Factory, the Artificial Volcano, Reverse Mining and Ocean Fertilization -- Fe composites on the sea surface which presented 6 pros x 17 cons as it would alter Nature cycles putting an end to the Monsoon in India and creating severe draughts in AU -- facts raised by the USA National Science Academy.
We now resort to world press credibility to put into use our project maintained by the largest well known brands which shall have as their main objectives Sustainability and Quality of Life , claiming for some balance between Human beings x nature, Science and Faith, To Have x To Be. We resort to B.C Greek History when Archimedes stated he just needed a lever to move the world . We resort to Jacques Cousteau descendants and followers toward the rights of generations to come.
An expressive film, a great documentary, an appealing book—these are tools to be created and sold to or seen by 6.8 billion people, something as global as the Christian Sacred Bible, the Jewish Torah, the Muslims Coram, the Hinduism in India -- a new way to approach the hearts of human beings, where legacy and copyright dividends shall rest in the benefit of all Humankind.

TWITTER. @Globalecologist
PHONE 55 41 3357 4370.

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