Few realized, but at the end of the first decade of this century, which was labeled by experts, scientists, climatologists, architects, specialists in Mega Cities, as the Age of Uncertainty, the Age of Terror, the Age of Greed , the Age of Immediacy, the Age of the degradation and devastation of the environment, the Age of Drugs and violence in every city in the world, not to mention the chaos that befell the European Union countries and the USA in Your Save today and live the greatest difficulties with the Fiscal Crisis, Unemployment, Crisis Foreign Exchange and intolerance Racial, Religious and immigration.
Major newspapers and networks televisions around the world, showed a retrospective of 2010, where environmental tragedies such as tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, fires, droughts in Russia and Asia, defrosting the poles, North and South were the more evolved, and even forming a new conduit between Asia and the West with the melting of the Greenland Glacier Peterman, reducing travel 5700 miles, but tragic for the cities we live in relation to sea level, that was the year 2010 the warmest year in human history.
Even with all these tragedies there was no understanding or positive actions by governments that can do little or nothing to reduce global warming or climate change, for 2 Mega UN Conferences, a Biodiversity in Nagoya in Japan and another in the Climate Cancun, Mexico, ended with a failure, as cited in the Lord Nicholas Stern, the inaction of the Rulers.
So for 2011 we are proposing to the world with a project called "The Awakening of Consciousness" where we will educate the 6.8 billion human beings, Peace, Health, Technology and Sustainability, only then can we say that we come out of a stage where the human being has always been the antagonist of the Environment, to be protagonist of a New World, for this and future generations.
For this we have the great James Camerom Director that is supporting our cause and that will be the year 2011, we will work with him, whose design will become a great documentary and billions of books will be written, sold, distributed in all schools, World Universities, organized institutions, and count on the 500 largest companies in the world, especially those who have in the Era of Knowledge and Information and preoccupation with sustainability.
It follows the great director's response to knowing you all, we must raise our heads and our voices in favor of a world that is geared towards equilibrium and Planetary Sustainability, which will in 2011, the Awakening of Consciousness.
Those who live will see .....
Jose Pedro Naisser.
41 9122 8673.
november 30,2010.
| mostrar detalhes 19:42 (40 minutos atrĂ¡s) |
Dear Dr Naisser,
Thank you for the kind words about me in your article below. I have accepted the challenge to try to raise consciousness around the world about this great crisis which is upon us. Most people are not listening, but we must raise our voices. I am still trying to decide the best ways for me to be effective in this fight (aside from making more Avatar movies, which I am now starting to do).
Perhaps we will find a way to work together.
Jim Cameron
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