Tuesday, July 24, 2012





Again we return to the direction of our project to the scientific community of the USA, in order to reach the minds and hearts of all who can join us so we can tell the world we live in the most difficult moments of all mankind, especially relationship with Global Warming, Climate Change, Urban Violence, Intolerance Racial, Religious and Immigration.

It was published in New Yorker Magazine a Renowned Journalist Michael Specter materia with Title Men of Time, and whether there technological solution to Global Warming and Climate Change

In the report interviewed the leading authority on global warming and climate change, as glaciologists, hydrologists, geophysical, geographers, climatologists, meteorologists, biologists, volcanologists, all admit that global warming and climate change is out of control and needs to be something great done in order to change even the direction of our civilization in relation to the use conscious, creative economy, waste recycling, waste control in water, and was on July 20 that the  Journal  NYT, reporter Peter Baker, in the region was devastated by massive drought in relation to corn and soybeans, where 1,297 counties were classified as disaster area, bringing billions of losses for all U.S. farmers, which also affect the rest of the world in relation to the food chain.

In early July, the alert was given in reference to fires in the states of Colorado, Montana and Utah, which devastated the forests and the amount of snow in the mountains it was below normal levels and the ice melted quickly, which could cause huge losses to tourism in American winter, and many jobs may also be affected by the phenomenon.

The images of pain has been running the world, and on the 20th of July 1st NASA Satellite, also showed a crack in a glacier in the Arctic equivalent of three islands of Manhattan, broke away from the Petermann Glacier on the coast of Greenland, and that had affected also the elevation of the Seas, usually the most vulnerable islands where climate change may be the Defrost Sentence  death by drowning for the Peoples of the humble Islands 7 seas.

For this reason we are calling on scientists to join our cause, because the Project The Awakening Conscience, we can change the course and the ways of a new civilization that will be educated for Peace, Health, Technology and Sustainability, and hence become the Education in Schools and Universities from around the world, for the cities that are the last refuges of civilization has become more Polite, Humanities, Innovative and Sustainable.

As always the great innovations happen in the USA, then we will take the rest of the world as a legacy for those who want a better world.

One indispensable in our cause is the great director James Cameron, who became interested in our cause and said that we can work together because our cause is a roadmap for a Great Movie, where we will be no spectators but the protagonists of the great change that the world needs.

Message to receive to Great Director of Movie Avatar and Titanic.
James Cameron.

Dear Mr Naisser,
Thank you for the kind words about me in your article below. I have accepted the challenge to try to raise consciousness around the world about this great crisis which is upon us. Most people are not listening, but we must raise our voices. I am still trying to decide the best ways for me to be effective in this fight (aside from making more Avatar movies, which I am now starting to do).
Perhaps we will find a way to work together.

Jim Cameron 

It is in our hands the great design and great screenplay for the great change and put our minds and hearts together with scientists above, directors, companies around the world, because the warning has been given us, and I echo the words of Steve Jobs We can not accommodate in, we follow our intuition, it will lead us always to the direction of our heart.

Everyone is invited to the great cause.



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