After winning the affection, friendship of all Brazilian people and all
athletes participating in the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the whole world can
see the images of Televisions, Social Networks and Virtual Mobility in real
time, his two victories with gold medals in two races that participated.
According to experts, the victory of the great athlete Michael Phelps in
the 200m butterfly and a relay team 4 x 200, were seen by about three billion
human beings in all Countries in the world for Televisions, Social Networks and
Virtual Mobility, whose victories make the biggest medalist of all time in the
Olympics of the modern era.
As important as the victory of Phelps, was his vibe with the crowd that
packed the Arena of the Olympic Park, and the meeting in the stands with his
wife, model Nicole Johnson and kiss on the cheek of her son, the little Boomer
three months, whose images ran the world and will be the highlight of the
Olympics Rio2016, for his victory in the pool and the honor of his family and
his millions of Fans around the world outside.
Before the great victories won in all its Olympics, who attended,
Michael said this is his last participation, because it was considered the
swimmer with older with 31 years old, and now victorious, will withdraw from
Arenas and world pools, because he managed to win both in the water, and
beyond, for their courage, determination, kindness and respect to his millions
of admirers worldwide.
For that reason is that we invite the great champion Michael Phelps is
the President of our organization, and all the athletes who participated in the
disputed swimming in the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, to join our cause in favor
of Water and Swimming Children and young people worldwide in all schools and
universities in the world to put into practice our project, "the
Consciousness Awakening", aware the seven billion people on the importance
of water in our lives, preserving Forests and riparian forests that protect the
headwaters of the rivers of the world.
We are sure that Michael Phelps will help us in this long journey, for
Rivers worldwide as the Amazon River, Nile River, São Francisco River Yang Tze,
Congo River, Zambezi River, Mekong River and Ganges River, and also we use our
project Education for Sustainability at the level of the oceans, to reduce
pollution by plastics and heavy metals in the seven seas, which now pollute and
cause the deaths of millions of birds, fish, turtles and coral island in all
the world's oceans.
Another great Sportsman, indispensable in our cause, the Jamaican Usain Bolt, great idol of the World Athletics which is in Brazil seeking the Third Gold Medal in the 100 meter dash, to pass to the history of the Olympics of the modern era as the most "Legend", who won three gold medals, Beijing, London and Brazil, he said that this is his last Olympics, will help us in our project to train new champions around the world, starting with the children and young people, and in Sport and education the foundation for a better world.
Another great Sportsman, indispensable in our cause, the Jamaican Usain Bolt, great idol of the World Athletics which is in Brazil seeking the Third Gold Medal in the 100 meter dash, to pass to the history of the Olympics of the modern era as the most "Legend", who won three gold medals, Beijing, London and Brazil, he said that this is his last Olympics, will help us in our project to train new champions around the world, starting with the children and young people, and in Sport and education the foundation for a better world.
All these great Sportsmen now retire the Olympics will join us and our
cause, for it will use all Arenas, Stadiums, used in the Olympics, World Cup,
Winter Games, to empower children, youth for Sports, Citizenship and will also
be the new multiplier of our cause in favor of Nature and Life, also using the
legacy of Nelson Mandela, who cited that the most powerful weapons we have to
change the world, is education and healthy practice of sports in all Countries that form the WWW.OLYMPIC.ORG , WWW.FIFA.COM, WWW.UN.ORG, WWW.WTO.ORG, WWW.UNESCO.ORG
In the project we will post via textbooks, I will be edited by the
billions, generating millions of jobs publishers and copyright and intellectual
property also of games, e-books, will go to investments in computer labs in
Countries Poor and the peripheries of Countries Developed, training and
qualifying teachers, volunteers, activists, experts in water resources,
forests, urban planners, government officials, and the site of all schools,
communities, universities and cities around the world, will our project on the sites,
citing the importance of fight against scarcity and water waste, which experts
state that it is finite, proof that every day in the world 23,000 children lose
their lives by lack of water, pollution and lack of sanitation and malnutrition
especially in the Countries of the third world.
With the help of Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt and all friends, we can take the help
of World Press, Social Networks, Virtual Mobility and also the International
Olympic Committee, we can unite the UN, FIFA, UNESCO, and Large Enterprises as
the Official Sponsors the Olympics Games, and FIFA, in search of a new world,
regardless of race, color, creed, Purchasing Power, thereby avoiding the
terrible intolerances Racial, Religious and immigration that we now live in the
Age of Uncertainties in all Countries in the world.
As a prize, we will offer the Grand Champion Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt and all your friends,
Diamond Medal symbolized by Water for Life, in gratitude for their help and
solidarity in the long run, the benefits will be immediate, both for his Son,
Boomer, as for children are born every day around the world, because the nature
and life also belong to those who come.
A Great Director James Cameron, the Great Actor Leonardo DiCaprio, Ambassador to Climate in to UN, and
all our followers in to Social Networks, , join
us they are decisive for our long journey, and the Director James Cameron will
be sent a copy of this message because he said in favor of preserving the
Earth, we must raise our heads and raise our voices, and we can work together.
I say yes, the time is now. Yes we can.
Message receive to James Cameron.
Dear Mr. Naisser,
Thank you for the kind words about me in your article below. I have accepted the challenge to try to raise consciousness around the world about this great crisis which is upon us. Most people are not listening, but we must raise our voices. I am still trying to decide the best ways for me to be effective in this fight (aside from making more Avatar movies, which I am now starting to do).
Thank you for the kind words about me in your article below. I have accepted the challenge to try to raise consciousness around the world about this great crisis which is upon us. Most people are not listening, but we must raise our voices. I am still trying to decide the best ways for me to be effective in this fight (aside from making more Avatar movies, which I am now starting to do).
Perhaps we will find a way to work together.
Jim Cameron.
more hands to help, than to obstruct
more hands to heal than to wound
more hands to lead than to push
more hands to sow than to pull off
more hands to share than to steal
more hand to bless than to punish
more hands to offer than to take away
more hands to applause than to threat
more hands to protect than to attack
more hands to show the way than to push
more hands to write than to scribble
more hands to work than to beg
more open hands than fists
more hands handing books than weapons
more hands gathered in prayer than by handcuffs
more hands to shake than to defend
more hands to sign sheepskins than sentences
more hands to erect bridges than wall with bars.
more people to complete than to delivery
more hands to complete than to omit
more hands to practice inclusions than exclusions
more hands to wake up consciousness than greed
more hands in convergence than in divergence
more hands working in preservation, than acting in degradation.
“A Bedouin will not win the immensity of the desert breaks only if we follow in caravans arrive safely at our destination to fulfill the wishes and designs of the Creator”.
Register on
our Official Network of Twitter, its virtual presence and contribution, join us
now, on behalf of Nature and Life Earth Planet.
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