Saturday, July 20, 2013










Friend to Environment, Amazon Forest and Indian Tribes in Brasil.

Friend to Education in the World, and Special Ambassador of UNESCO.



A Day in the History of Humanity 3 Kings were Guided by a Star to know the Son of God. Now 2013 years later, Young 3 Kings and Princes Youth 2 can be chosen, and Guided by the Creator to assist in the revitalization and Preservation of Planet Earth. It would be a Coincidence?, The answer is the Principle of Necessity and Synchronicity. For the Young Kings and Princes is your greatest mission on earth. The time to act is now and the tomorrow may be too late.

In the Age of the enormous difficulties that all mankind lives, governments can not solve the  Social Crisis, Fiscal, Economic and Environmental reason why we are asking for help to the young Monarchs who received their parents over as King in their Countries, Eastern the West, they may be decisive in our project and help the 202 Countries of the World, the UN and UNESCO, that is the great mission so that we can give the world a whole new way to civilization. For this we propose two forums global one in the East in Qatar and another in the West in Monaco and then we will take the UN and UNESCO, to integrate 202 Countries and show the world that it is possible for Education for Peace, Health, Sports, Technology and Sustainability transform all cities worldwide, more Educated, Humanities, innovative and sustainable. To this we can also count on these forums Dr. Al Gore, Father's Fight to Global Warming, Lord Nicholas Stern, Father's Fight to Climate Change, and the Grand Director James Cameron, Great Ecologist who will do great documentary where the first time in the history of mankind the great protagonists of the great project that benefited the Nature and Life.

Message to Receive to Great Director James Cameron, Movie Avatar.

Dear Mr Naisser, 

Thank you for the kind words about me in your article below. I have accepted the challenge to try to raise consciousness around the world about this great crisis which is upon us. Most people are not listening, but we must raise our voices. I am still trying to decide the best ways for me to be effective in this fight (aside from making more Avatar movies, which I am now starting to do).
Perhaps we will find a way to work together. 

Jim Cameron 

The young kings and their families, is in your hands a great mission. Yours were chosen by the Creator to help us in this important cause in the middle of 7 billion human beings, legacy for this and future generations a better world, and a sustainable planet.

 We are ready for takers by rivers, deserts, seas and air to bring the mission to which we have been entrusted by the Creator.

A Bedouin not win the vastness of deserts follow alone if we leave in caravans arrive at our destination and our goals.

CURITIBA. PR. BRASIL. 55 41 9122 8673


Thursday, July 18, 2013




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Ran the world today about his person, as a great sportsman and one of the richest men in the world who wants to turn the Football Club Monaco FC, a great team not only for the European Union, but for everyone, we are sure that you will get it because it has already achieved many accomplishments in his life.

We read about it in Wikipedia, we could see that it was not easy your life until you reach the heights of glory to come, but I can say that religion and spirituality are present in all their challenges in life.

Seen as a philanthropist, that you helped restore several churches in various parts of Russia and was awarded the Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, the Patriarch of the Church that has been restored to its aid the Church of the Nativity, by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow. We also saw that the Lord will build on the island of Cyprus have a Russian Orthodox Church with modern architectural design in the Island of Cyprus, very important for the thousands of followers of the Island and for Faith and Spirituality.

We also saw that the Lord has acquired 66% of Club Monaco FC, and had the sympathy of His Majesty the Prince Albert II, we have a lot in common with him because he is one of the largest Ecologists of Planet Earth, he was at the North Pole in 2006 and told the world about global warming and the melting of glaciers, and that governments should act to prevent rising sea levels that can cause the biggest disaster of all time mainly to the Islands of the Indian Ocean, as Seychelles, Solomon, Maldives and other, where the death sentence of its inhabitants can be by drowning, for this reason is that I think we can work together, since you reside in Monaco and Russia where entrepreneur Fertilizer Sector.

We also saw that you're a great surfer and lover of the sea, together with the Prince Albert II, we can launch a Great Education Partnership for Sustainability, which will put into practice the Education for Sustainability of 7 Seas, it will avoid that billion plastic bags and discarded material in the oceans are recycled and not discarded over the 7 seas.

We also saw about his training as a cardiologist, and that our project involves the Health Education, with it I can say that our partnership is stronger because we put in all Countries of the World that our project will avoid the death of immediate 45,000 children around the world, poor hygiene, drinking water and food.

Great emphasis will be on education for Sport. We immediately take our project along with His Majesty the Prince Albert II of Monaco to FIFA, and we use the beginning of the last Stadiums World Cup in South Africa, which were in the 12 cities where we can train and qualify young people in Project Peace Education, Health, Sports, Technology and Sustainability, where they will come from 33 Countries of the African Continent and we will use the weapons to change the world, cites as the Great Nobel Peace Prize, Nelson Mandela, who now left the Hospital Pretoria in South Africa to his home and his health is considered good, he says that to change the world we must use the most important tool is education.

FIFA will go to the UN and UNESCO, to deliver our project to be implemented in all grades and curriculums School, our project for the benefit of the 202 Countries that form the UN and UNESCO in Paris.

I can say the same thought of the great Prophet of Communication of the XXI Century, Steve Jobs, that "we can not stand still but we follow our intuition," may be coming true because if you believe that is possible in our cause and together with his Majesty Prince Albert II of Monaco, we can put into practice in the great project that will benefit the 7 billion humans, so we can live in peace, a world without wars, reducing racial intolerance, religious and immigration, reducing climate change, reduction in Global Warming, Urban violence reduction, and we will make all the world's cities most Educated, Humanities, Innovative and Sustainable.

By Age of Knowledge and Information, and faith that you have the creator is the same faith that we can work together and the rest will be in charge of the Great Director James Cameron who will join us in the great journey, and it will turn a great documentary, because now we can no longer be spectators but actors and protagonists of great change for the project The Awakening of Consciousness, for the benefit of the Planet Earth.

Message to Receive to Great Director James Cameron, Movie Avatar.

Dear Mr Naisser, 

Thank you for the kind words about me in your article below. I have accepted the challenge to try to raise consciousness around the world about this great crisis which is upon us. Most people are not listening, but we must raise our voices. I am still trying to decide the best ways for me to be effective in this fight (aside from making more Avatar movies, which I am now starting to do).
Perhaps we will find a way to work together. 

Jim Cameron 

I await a contact in Monaco or Moscow, and give your heading to the Palace of Prince Albert II, and all young monarchs who will join us in the great journey.

A Bedouin not win the vastness of deserts follow alone if we leave in caravans arrive at our destination and our goals.

I await contact.

CURITIBA.PR. BRASIL. 55 41 9122 8673


Saturday, July 13, 2013



For that message to reach the minds and hearts of those who truly want a better world for themselves, their children, their grandchildren and future generations will put the challenge is greater than the search of people who can join us in this great cause to be transformed into a great one for Documentary Screenplay by Hands of great directors like James Cameron Film, Bernardo Bertolucci, David Linch, Martin Scorsese, and many others who use the seventh art so that humans can enjoy moments of joy. However this time will be totally different, because we will fulfill the legacy of the great Prophet of Communication Machluhan Marshall, that "Medium is the Message", and it will include also the legacy of the Great Nelson Mandela fighting for life in hospital in Pretoria South Africa, to whom we send our prayers for your State Health The Great Statesman, Nobel Peace Prize, and the Human Person leaves us a legacy of the most powerful weapons we have to change the world are not the Ballistic Missile, the Warheads nuclear installed in strategic points of the planet into a nuclear war, but we use education as a most powerful weapon to change the world.

And will the project Education for Peace, Health, Technology and Sustainability, is that we will make all the world's cities most Educated, Humanities, Innovative and Sustainable so that the contribution of all those who reside in cities and live in them are indispensable as architects, urban planners, ecologists, engineers, doctors, biologists, artists, sociologists, geographers, Schools, Universities, Corporate, their Presidents and their teams, because it is time to dare, act and make it happen.

For this we will invite all the great men and women, who can help us on this long journey, the World Press that in the past 60 days showed the protest around the world, the Young European Union which now has more than 25 million unemployed , joining an army of 73 million around the world according to, they have sought for their moments together with governors solution to the problems that afflict them in the middle of a huge crisis of lost values, Crises Fiscal, Economic, Social, Environmental, Endless Wars, Urban Violence, Intolerance, Racial, Religious and immigration, where we seek solutions, not even Anthropologists, Sociologists and Political Scientists, futurists can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

To show that a big change is on the way of all mankind, and now instead of protests around the world will use the legacy and teachings of the great men and women who dared in his time and made it happen.

For this we will use the legacy of the great Italian Philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli who 500 years ago wrote his book "The Prince", directed at the time also the rulers and monarchs whose counsel asked them to stay on the side of the people, and unfortunately today we see is an inversion of values, which is why we have seen protests around the world asking for ethics, transparency in governance around the world today explode and accumulate due to lack of political will in the solution of major problems that afflict all mankind.

On our long walk, we will have the knowledge of the great Spanish sociologist Manuel Castells, talking on his current book "Networks Outrage and Hope" to help solve the huge crisis facing the world today, it is the legitimacy of the current system political. He also cites the great sociologist today on Social Networks, are Angels and Demons, is used for the good side in calling for a march of protest in the Streets, Parks and Squares of the World they help, however large that solutions will come from all those for the Knowledge Age and Information stop being spectators and become the great protagonists of a New Global Governance.

Cites the great sociologist Manuel Castells that the world is ready for a new path and a new direction, where the teachings of Machiavelli settle mainly in what can help every civilization to a new Global Governance where the rulers today have mostly done actions for their own benefit, and not for citizens, due to the large protests in squares, parks and streets around the world, where people criticize corruption arrogance lack of transparency in the actions of bad politicians. He also mentions that the recovery of credibility and democracy that will occur from the movements that exist today in autonomous movements and partisan.

Not as coincidence but the Principle of Synchronicity these changes are ripe and ready to happen, it will use some changes of governance in the world of monarchies that are critical to the new governance.

In Qatar, the Emir Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, abdicated in favor of his reign Princiupe Herdeito Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Hamad-Thani, according to his father the Emir, Qatar needs a ruler Young and the time has come for a new generation taking responsibility with innovative ideas and sustainable, but few know that it was in Qatar Emir founded the University Wise , which will help us much in our project for all Countries of the Middle East, and become the Educated cities, Humanities, Innovative and Sustainable.

In the Netherlands, Queen Beatrix abdicated the throne to Prince Willem-Alexander already has on his training as an ecologist and defender of big fight and Waste Water Scarcity in the world, with innovative ideas and sustainable will be a great protagonist of our cause.

In Belgium, King Albert II, abdicated the throne to his son Prince Phillipe also mentioned that it is time to transfer the torch to the next generation also has innovative ideas and can contribute much to your people in quality improvement of life for this and future generations.

In Monaco, , His Majesty the Prince Albert II, is decisive person in our cause, because the Prince was in 2006 at the North Pole and his research about Global Warming and Climate Change can personally see the thaw that is brought huge losses to the United especially those living in the Indian Ocean, whose tragedies by raising the level of the Seas has produced millions of climate refugees. At Rio +20, in Rio de Janeiro talked for 1 minute with great Environmentalist and we take up the matter, whose effect can be a Global Sustainability Forum to be held in Monaco in the presence of all the rulers and all the 202 Countries Monarchies of the World, this has never happened in history, the United Nations, , and UNESCO,  will be our biggest partners in the Event.

London,  Prince Charles also waiting a decision of his mother Queen Elizabeth II to be the next king, he already has dedicated much for Ecological issues will be a great protagonist because he understands the subject and he will join our cause Parents Fight Against Global Warming Gore and the Dr.Al also from the UK, Lord Nicholas Stern who is the Father of Combating Climate Change, all linked to the Principle of Synchronicity.

At the Vatican,  was also a major change in the Catholic Church, where his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, including the Age and Your Health no longer allowed to execute the duties as'd resigned and spent his pontificate the Pope today Francisco, who can help us in a lot especially in Ecological issues, since his name was based on St. Francis of Assisi, considered the Father of Ecology.

In the Age of Knowledge and Information, thanks to the Internet, and Tim Berners-Lee, one of the Fathers of the Internet that do not patent your invention so billion people had access to it, he joined us with their friends, today we have 2 , 5 billion with access to a large network and we are 7 billion, there have an army of 4.5 billion to join the new Global Governance.

Finally we mention Social Networks, which has so far helped in calling for protests in the streets, squares and parks of the world, they have a decisive power now to help the integration and placement of large project The Awakening of Consciousness, which will help the cities of world in transformation and Smart Cities that become more Educated, Humanities, Innovative and Sustainable, Social Networks in the Age of Information and Knowledge, along with the great Avatars of changes that the world needs to have a New Global Governance.

If until now we have been united, sympathized with the massive protests against the indignities of the evil rulers in the world, the time has come to unite the Ideal of Machiavelli that in his time fought so that people have access to universal rights and now we count with the help of technology in the Information Age and Knowledge for the Education cites as the great statesman and Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela can change the world.

It is time to dare and make it happen, everyone who has access to this information is the great mission of transforming a Sacred Mantra, regardless of race, creed, color, Purchasing Power, will be the protagonists of the great change.
Large Social Networks Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, Microsoft are decisive for the help in the long run.

We are ready for takers by rivers, deserts, seas and air to bring the mission to which we have been entrusted by the Creator.

In the links below are challenges for every human being, and it is possible to say that we change using the Weapon that is Education.

CURITIBA.PR. BRASIL. 55 41 9122 8673

Friday, July 12, 2013



Para que essa mensagem chegue as mentes e corações daqueles que verdadeiramente querem um mundo melhor para si , seus filhos, seus netos e as gerações futuras iremos colocar como desafio maior que é a busca das pessoas que poderão se juntar a nos nessa grande causa que será transformada num grande Roteiro para um Documentário pelas Mãos de grandes Diretores de Cinema como James Cameron, Bernardo Bertolucci, Martin Scorsese, e muitos outros que usam a sétima arte para que os humanos possam desfrutar de momentos de alegrias. Porem desta vez será totalmente diferente, porque cumpriremos o legado do grande Profeta da Comunicação Marshall Machluhan, de que a “Mensagem é o Meio”, e para isso incluiremos também o legado do Grande Nelson Mandela que luta pela Vida, no Hospital de Pretoria na África do Sul, para quem enviamos nossas orações pelo seu Estado de Saúde. O Grande Estadista, Nobel da Paz, e Pessoa Humana nos deixa um legado de que as armas mais poderosas que temos para mudar o mundo não são os Mísseis Balísticos, as Ogivas Nucleares instaladas em pontos estratégicos do Planeta para uma Guerra Nuclear, e sim  utilizarmos a Educação como arma mais poderosa para mudarmos o mundo.

E será pelo projeto de Educação para a Paz, Saúde, Tecnologia e Sustentabilidade, é que iremos tornar todas as cidades do mundo mais Educadas, Humanas, Inovadoras e Sustentáveis, para isso a contribuição de todos aqueles que residem nas cidades e vivem nelas são indispensáveis como os Arquitetos, Urbanistas,Ecologistas,Engenheiros,Médicos,Biólogos, Artistas, Sociólogos,Geógrafos, Escolas, Universidades, Grandes  Empresas, seus Presidentes e suas Equipes, porque é chegado o momento de ousarmos, agirmos e fazer acontecer.

Para isso iremos convidar todos os grandes homens e mulheres, que possam nos ajudar nessa longa jornada, a Imprensa Mundial que nos últimos 60 dias mostrou o protesto ao redor do mundo, dos Jovens da União Européia que hoje conta com mais de 25 milhões de desempregados, se juntando a um exercito de 73 milhões ao redor do mundo segundo a , eles pelos seus momentos tem buscado junto aos governantes a solução para os problemas que os afligem no meio de uma enorme crise de  perda de Valores, Crises Fiscais, Econômicas, Sociais, Ambientais, Guerras sem Fim, Violência Urbana, Intolerâncias Raciais, Religiosas e Imigratórias, onde buscarmos as soluções, nem mesmo os Antropólogos, Sociólogos e Cientistas Políticos, Futuristas conseguem  ver uma luz no final do túnel.

Para mostrarmos que uma grande mudança  está a caminho de toda humanidade, e que agora em lugar dos protestos ao redor do mundo utilizaremos os legados e ensinamentos dos grandes homens e mulheres que no seu tempo ousaram e fizeram acontecer.

Para isso iremos utilizar o legado do grande Filosofo Italiano Nicolau Maquiavel que há 500 anos escreveu seu livro “O Príncipe”, dirigido na época também aos governantes  e monarcas cujos conselhos pedia que eles ficassem ao lado do Povo, e que lamentavelmente hoje o que vemos é uma inversão de valores, razão pela qual temos visto os protestos em todo mundo pedindo ética, transparência na governança ao redor do mundo  que hoje explodem e se acumulam por falta de vontade política nas soluções dos enormes problemas que afligem toda humanidade.

Em nossa longa caminhada, contaremos com o conhecimento do grande Sociólogo Espanhol Manuel Castells, que  fala no seu livro  atual  “Redes de Indignação e Esperança”para ajudar na solução da enorme crise que vive o mundo hoje, que é a da legitimidade no atual sistema político. Cita também o grande sociólogo que hoje nas Redes Sociais, somos Anjos e Demônios,  se usadas para o lado do Bem  na convocação para a marcha dos protestos nas Ruas, Parques e Praças do Mundo elas ajudam , porem  as grandes soluções terão que vir de todos aqueles que  pela Era do Conhecimento e da Informação  deixem de ser espectadores e se transformem nos grandes protagonistas de uma Nova Governança Global.

Cita ainda o grande Sociólogo Manuel Castells de que o mundo está preparado para um novo caminho e um novo rumo, onde os ensinamentos de Maquiavel se instalam principalmente naquilo que pode ajudar toda civilização para uma nova Governança Global onde os governantes hoje na sua maioria tem realizado ações em beneficio próprio, e não para os cidadãos, razão dos grandes protestos nas Praças , Parques e Ruas de todo mundo, onde o Povo critica a corrupção a arrogância a falta de transparência nas ações dos maus políticos. Cita também que a recuperação da credibilidade  e da democracia terá que ocorrer a partir dos movimentos que hoje existem nos movimentos autônomos e apartidarios.

Não como coincidência, mas sim pelo Principio da Sincronicidade essas mudanças estão maduras e prontas para acontecer, para isso usaremos algumas alterações de governaça no mundo das Monarquias que são decisivas para a nova governança.

No Qatar, o Emir Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, abdicou seu reinado em favor do Princiupe Herdeito o Xeque Tamim Hamad bin Hamad-Thani, segundo seu Pai o Emir, o Qatar precisa de um governante Jovem e de que chegou a hora de uma nova geração assumir responsabilidade com idéias inovadoras e sustentáveis, poucos sabem mas foi no Qatar que o Emir fundou a Universidade Wise , que nos ajudará em muito  no nosso projeto para todos os Paises do Oriente Médio, e tornarmos as cidades mais Educadas, Humanas, Inovadoras e Sustentáveis.

Na Holanda, A Rainha Beatrix abdicou o trono para o Príncipe Willen-Alexander que já tem na sua formação como um grande Ecologista e defensor da luta contra o Desperdício e a Escassez da Água em todo mundo, com idéias inovadoras e sustentáveis será um grande protagonista da nossa causa.

Na Bélgica, o Rei Alberto II, abdicou o trono para seu Filho o Príncipe Phillipe, também citou que é o momento de transferir  a tocha a próxima geração que tem também idéias inovadoras e que podem em muito contribuir para o seu Povo na melhoria da qualidade de vida para esta e as gerações futuras.

Em Mônaco, sua Majestade o Príncipe Albert II, é pessoa decisiva na nossa causa, porque o Príncipe esteve em 2006 no Pólo Norte e suas pesquisas a respeito do Aquecimento Global e Mudanças Climáticas pode ver pessoalmente o degelo que tem trazido enormes prejuízos as Nações principalmente as que vivem no Oceano Indico, cujas tragédias pela elevação do Nível dos Mares  tem produzido milhões de refugiados do clima.  Na Rio+20, no Rio de Janeiro falamos por 1 minuto com o grande Ecologista e ficamos de tratar do assunto, cujo efeito pode ser um Fórum Global  de Sustentabilidade a ser realizado em Mônaco com a presença de todos os Governantes dos 202 Paises e todas as Monarquias do Mundo, isso nunca aconteceu na historia, a ONU, e a Unesco, serão nossas grandes parceiras no Evento.

De Londres, o Príncipe Charles que também espera uma decisão de sua Mãe a Rainha Elizabeth II para ser o próximo Rei,  ele que já se dedica há muito pelas questões Ecológicas será um grande protagonista porque ele entende do assunto e com ele se juntarão a nossa causa os Pais da Luta contra o Aquecimento Global o Dr.Al Gore e também do Reino Unido, Lorde Nicholas Stern que é o Pai da Luta contra as Mudanças Climáticas, tudo isso estão ligados ao Principio da Sincronicidade.

No Vaticano,  uma grande mudança foi também na Igreja Católica, onde sua Santidade o Papa Bento XVI, compreendendo que a Idade e sua Saúde já não permitiam que executasse os deveres como gostaria renunciou e passou seu Pontificado ao hoje O Papa Francisco, que poderá nos ajudar em muito principalmente nas questões Ecológicas, já que seu nome se baseou em São Francisco de Assis, considerado o Pai da Ecologia.

Na Era do Conhecimento e da Informação, graças a Internet, e a Tim Berners-Lee, um dos Pais da Internet que ao não patentear sua invenção para que bilhões pessoas tivessem acesso a ela, ele se juntara a nós com seus amigos,  hoje temos 2,5 bilhões com acesso a grande Rede e somos 7 bilhões , temos ai um exercito de 4,5 bilhões para se juntarem a nova Governança Global.

Finalizando citamos as Redes Sociais, que até agora tem ajudado na convocação para os Protestos nas Ruas, Praças e Parques do Mundo, elas tem um poder decisivo agora para ajudar na integração e colocação do grande projeto O Despertar da Consciência, onde ajudaremos as cidades do mundo na transformação de Cidades Inteligentes e que se tornem mais Educadas, Humanas, Inovadoras e Sustentáveis, as Redes Sociais na Era da Informação e do Conhecimento, junto com os grandes  Avatares das Mudanças que o mundo precisa para termos uma Nova Governaça Global.

Se até agora temos nos unido, solidarizado pelos enormes protestos contra as indignações dos maus governantes em todo o mundo, chegou o tempo de nos unirmos pelo Ideal de Maquiavel que no seu tempo lutou para que o Povo tivesse  acesso aos direitos universais e que agora poderemos contar com o auxilio da tecnologia na Era da Informação e do Conhecimento pois pela Educação  como cita  o grande Estadista e Nobel da Paz, Nelson Mandela poderemos mudar o mundo.

É chegado o momento de ousarmos e fazer acontecer, cada um que tiver acesso a estas informações tem a grande missão de transformar num Mantra Sagrado, independente de Raça, Credo, Cor, Poder Aquisitivo, serão protagonistas da grande  mudança.
As grandes Redes Sociais Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, Microsoft são decisivas para a ajuda na longa jornada.

Estamos prontos para viajarmos por rios, desertos, ares e mares para levar  a missão para que fomos incumbidos pelo Criador.

Nos links abaixo estão os desafios para cada ser humano, e dizermos que é possível mudarmos utilizando a Arma que é a Educação.



Wednesday, July 03, 2013




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For this message check the minds and hearts of all those who can help us in the great cause, appealed to God to show us the way to follow, and the way we were shown, may have been the thought of Steve Jobs for that Major challenges that life brings us, we must not ever sleep in, we should follow our intuition, it will take us to the direction of our heart to get the major objectives that the Creator asks us.

For us to put into practice our project The Awakening of Consciousness, we must also follow the thought and legacy of the Great Nelson Mandela, whom we send our prayers and our prayers Fighting for Life Hospital in Pretoria in South Africa, the great statesman and Nobel Peace Prize winner, cites that the most lethal weapons we have to change the world are not ballistic missiles or nuclear warheads, but education, and with it we can educate the 7 billion humans for Peace, Health, and Technology sustainability, so we can make all the world's cities most Educated, Humanities, Innovative and Sustainable.

For this to happen we will have large world players of various segments that are in various Countries of the world and as mentioned the Prophet's Communication Marchall McLuhan, the medium is the message, and now we can no longer be spectators but the major protagonists changes that the world needs.

While the rulers of the world struggling to try to win the huge fiscal crises, economic, social, urban violence, they now also have to face the protests of mainly young people from all over the world as the Arab Spring in the Middle East, Indignities in Spain, Drag generation in Portugal, Young Taksim Square in Turkey and Autumn Young Brazilian clamoring for Health, Education, Jobs, Urban Mobility, all united mainly by Social Networks like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, whose tools are now indispensable for large rights marches Peoples along the Rulers.

The renowned Spanish sociologist Manuel Castells cites that these movements are now a Wave World and defines as self-communication Pasta, born on Social Media and make the streets to seek together the rulers their rights. He also cites the great sociologist that the world today lives a Real Virtuality and no longer a Virtual Reality, and Social Networks and the Internet are the Infrastructure of our lives if used for common good are Angels and Demons are on Violence, hence the importance of using correct to seek our rights and demand from governments around the world to Ethics, Transparency and Citizenship in the management of cities as representatives of the People.

So we can make cities worldwide occupying only 1% of the Earth, will also count with the architects, urbanists, geographers, climatologists, biologists, Teachers, Schools Universities, Ecologists, Doctors, Corporate, cities to become more Educated , Humanities, Innovative and Sustainable.

For it will count immediately with the Great Company World Leader in Internet Infrastructure Cisco Corporation, whose President Mr. John Chambers cites that only 1% of the world are connected to the Internet with regard to infrastructure, and its design Internet of Everything, Internet of Things, whose design promises to revolutionize the factories, integrating hospitals and networks of water and light in communities, all in the name of efficiency. Promises also scan segments from the supply chain to distribution and thus designing the products can be 27% cheaper.

Great quotes Entrepreneur John Chambers of Cisco, you want to scan the infrastructure, calls smart communities already working in cities like Barcelona and Seong Dong in South Korea The entrepreneur thinks high and already promises also scan Countries and want to do it with State of Israel, with optic-fiber networks that will serve as the backbone for scanning, but to do so he must also have the confidence of the government in each country. With our project we can also integrate the State of Palestine, and implanting peace between the two states for centuries fighting for Peace

We can say that the biggest partnership for the benefit of cities may leave our Project Awakening Consciousness Project with Cisco's Internet of Everything, because Cisco Corporation, needs the support of government and we will help governments with regard to the cities relation to Education for Peace, Health, Technology and Sustainability, hence a great fusion of interests governments, education and infrastructure will be put into practice for the benefit of all world cities.

For the benefit of cities, we will also propose to the President of Siemens Corporation, Mr. Peter Loscher, a great follower of the thought of Steve Jobs that we can not accommodate in, as all the world's cities are located in the space of 1% Planet Earth, however it use natural resources for energy generation by 75%, and the cities are also responsible for the generation of greenhouse gases by 85% to produce the Global Warming and Climate Change.

Not as coincidence but the Principle of Synchronicity both Presidents Enterprise Cisco and Siemens, cite the 1% in his speeches, and then we have 99% of opportunities to improve and revitalize our ailing planet Earth and degraded by Education and Planetary Sustainability. For this we are proposing to them and we take this global partnership to the Secretary General of the UN, UNESCO, then deliver to Governments and immediately there will be a reduction in spending in cities today consume only $ 5 trillion to the collection, transportation and deposition urban waste that are four million tons per day and only 5% are recycled worldwide. With our project we will immediately rulers and reduce by 35% in the first 60 days and then we will arrive at 60%, it will reduce by 45% the emission of greenhouse gases produced by urban waste which is methane gas that pollutes 21 times more than CO2 from cars and trucks worldwide, however the Automotive Industry will join us, because today 75% of the space in cities are for vehicles and trucks, we have a big project for them to improve their performances and urban mobility the quality of life.

It was in full of uncertainties as quoted by renowned historian Eric Robsbawn, when the world is currently experiencing major crises Social, Economic, Fiscal, endless wars, famine, urban violence, intolerance Racial, Religious and immigration appear great men and women as protagonists of a better world for this and future generations, and following the advice of Nelson Mandela, Manuel Castells, John Chambers of Cisco, Peter Loscher by Siemens Infrastructure and Cities of H.H.Sheika Moza Bint Nasser of Qatar that by its Project Education Above All, which operates in the Middle East, and benefits millions of children mostly victims of war, the American couple Laura and John Arnold, Billionaires,  investing in Philanthropy of results, and other great men and women who will be nominated for the big project that join us in the great cause planetary.

The biggest challenge will be counting on Social Networks for the first time will act not only as responsible for large protests, but as protagonists help to generate millions of jobs in the Age of Knowledge and Information for the 5 continents, since the main counterclaims of young people around the world are at work, and our project will be in partnership with large companies, schools, universities that will generate billions of jobs worldwide in various segments that have the Education for Peace, Health Technology, Sports and Sustainability.

How dare I quote most men in his time also decided to dare and made it happen.

Archimedes, A.C, a day in his time called for a lever and an Opportunity and said he would move the world and made by its Principle, thanks to him sail the seven seas, millions of ships, ocean liners of tourism that will join year, mainly to educate millions of human beings for the conservation of the oceans and their biodiversity.

Albert Einstein, D.C, said that large projects are always in the midst of major crises, and that the Imagination is more important than knowledge, the world is ready to receive the major projects listed above.
Steve Jobs, the great Prophet of Technology of the XXI Century, cited that We should never sleep, we should always follow our intuition, it will take us to the direction of our heart.

Nelson Mandela, quoted the Weapon more powerful than we have to change the world is through education.

Finally I quote with great joy that the main protagonist of this great project that was not mentioned even once is the great Film Director James Cameron, who said that one day we can work together. The Great Director receive this project as a great script for the documentary that the world needs today is that the Desertion of Consciousness and we will have the great protagonists of the great change that the world needs.

Message to Receive to Great Director James Cameron, Movie Avatar.

Dear Mr Naisser, 

Thank you for the kind words about me in your article below. I have accepted the challenge to try to raise consciousness around the world about this great crisis which is upon us. Most people are not listening, but we must raise our voices. I am still trying to decide the best ways for me to be effective in this fight (aside from making more Avatar movies, which I am now starting to do).
Perhaps we will find a way to work together. 

Jim Cameron 

The challenge is done, instead of protests now in parks and square around the world, we have the help of social networks and collaboration of all those who truly want a better world.

A Bedouin not win the immensity of the desert from alone if we travel in caravans arrive at the destination and we will reach our goals.

Come forward, always forward.

CURITIBA.PR.  55 41 9122 8673.