Friday, December 30, 2011






Translator for 40 languages and 15 dialect. WWW.GOOGLE.COM

Once again the world by the Gregorian calendar reaches the end of 2011, but with great difficulty to move on to the year 2012. Economists, policymakers, Gurus of Stock Exchanges, including the catastrophic economic Nouriel Roubini asks the world to forget and scratch the calendar year 2011, by the enormous difficulties with respect to Economic Crisis, Fiscal, Social and Environmental, mainly in the EU and United States, where President Obama miserably failed to improve his popularity even with the death of Osama Bin Laden, because the USA today have 46 million people unemployed, and 2012 million of them will lose their homes by the effect of bubble Real Estate and the jobs were mostly transferred to China and Asia.

As planetary ecological ask that the world does not forget the year 2011, but he will be remembered forever, because it was in 2011 that the UN has promoted more than 10 conferences Climate and Environment around the world and what we saw was the total failure in all of them, mainly in the Durban conference in South Africa, where the 202 UN member countries, there appeared only 28 heads of state, and decisions were the worst possible, transferred to the 2015 Kyoto Protocol, which deals with emissions in greenhouse gases, and for the year 2020, the beginning of the control of emissions of pollutants from UN member countries, ie if there exists life on Earth.

Here in Brazil, unfortunately nothing has been done also in favor of sustainability unless the approval of the Forest Code, which should be called the Code of Life, with the approval will benefit large soy growers and cattle ranchers, because the approval with were included to the national congress last minute amendments and use of mangroves for shrimp farming that will be exported to Europe with Seal of Quality Degradation of Nature and Life.

Regarding our Amazon, contrary to government insists that what is being preserved, deforestation to plant soybeans and pastures for livestock grew by 85% in 2011, not counting the fires in the Amazon and the Pantanal to the renovation of pastures, this technique is used since the time of the cave where the fire is the main tool, claiming the lives of millions of wild animals that lost their lives and their habitat by the greed of human beings to grow more.

As for the cities, the federal government created the law of solid waste that is scheduled to take effect from 2014, Brazil today produces 211.00 tones of household waste and only 7% are recycled by the heroes and solitary hunters and small cooperatives scattered Brazil, these are the great unsung heroes. In January 2011, the President sent a proposal to Dilma Rousseff project The Awakening of Consciousness, where educate all 200 million Brazilians for Sustainability and Companies that generate packages that would be recycled by the Reverse Logistics with the help of a Seal ecological in partnership with the major generators of packaging we have recycled 50% of all the 211.000 tons that are produced daily and unfortunately it is collected, transported by the 5,568 Brazilian municipalities and discarded in the few existing landfills operating in the country in its Most are discarded in open dumps and river beds, producing methane gas that pollutes 25 times more than CO2 from vehicles in cities. We received no response to many rulers Environment is a drag on the government agenda, this is the reality today.


While futurists, economists and management gurus preach that the world will continue with its economic crisis, social, fiscal, Natural Disasters, Urban Violence, Hunger, Poverty, Racial Intolerance, Religious and immigration, especially in the European Union and the United States and also in Latin America, we call Social Networks will mainly young people who fought and many of them lost their lives in the Arab spring, so we can get out of the Revolution to Evolution of the Human Being with regard to their rights and duties of a New Civilization, where we use the legacy and the most powerful weapon we have to change the world, as quoted the great statesman and Nobel Peace Prize, Nelson Mandela, whose weapon is education.

Is the Awakening of Consciousness Project, which will educate the 7 billion humans for Peace, Health, Technology and Sustainability, aggregate the 4 Pillars in Economic, Social, Technological and Environmental in our favor because we have an army of 2, 5 billion people among them young people who truly want a better world, and even membership of the 200 largest companies in the world, who have a commitment to sustainability and traceability of the industrialization of its products.

As a way to become Innovative and Sustainable cities around the world, in our project we propose to govern the revitalization and planting billions of trees throughout the world as the only way to improve the quality of air we breathe through the process of photosynthesis, since today the cities also live the process of desertification, whose spaces are used by the asphalt and cement in construction of the concrete jungle, this journey we will have all the Children, Youth, Adults, Schools Universities, civil society organizations to a new path for all humanity.

Finally I can say with absolute exclusivity for newspapers, television and social networks that will be the Project "Project Occupy2012 The Awakening Conscience," will reach the minds and hearts of all those who want a better world, but the force major will come of the Seventh Art, where Camerom,Director James the Great, became interested in our cause in 2011, and in 2012 we will be put into practice, whose project will turn a great documentary to show the world that through education we can change the consciousness of human beings in relation to Planetary sustainability.

Message of Director receives to Great Movie to Avatar.James Cameron ... ..

Dear Mr. Naisser.
Thank you for the kind words about me in your article below. I have accepted the challenge to try to raise consciousness around the world about this great crisis Which is upon us. Most people are not listening, but we must raise our voices. I am still Trying to decide the best Ways for me to be effective in this fight (aside from making more movies Avatar, Which I am now starting to do).
Perhaps we will find a way to work together.
Jim Cameron

Message of gratitude.

Thank you, Wangary Mahatay, practices for his actions in planting more than 1 billion trees in Africa, deserved the Nobel Peace Prize, Nature and Biodiversity thank them.
Thank you, Danielle Mitterrand for his work in more than 40 years in schools and universities around the world about the water in the actions against the shortage of liquid waste and that assures us life.
Their spirits now rest in peace in the company of the Creator, their example will be forever in our minds and hearts.

You launched the biggest challenge for 2012 will be translated into many languages, dialects, so that everyone can know they can do more to revitalize the great cause of Planet Earth and respect Mother Nature and Biodiversity.

Joi us, the time has come ....


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